Recently I was asked by the CEO of a large company, “How are sales teams underserved?”
In my years in the business I’ve seen it all. My next book will be called Prison Rules! I’ve never seen anything like it. You must be able to adapt and conform immediately . But I have found three reasons your team is being underserved and cannot reach its greatest potential.
The belief in the sales business is that a new employee will take business from the existing team members. The truth is , this is not so. But they are still going to treat him bad. Beginning with the silent treatment and ending with no assistance or coaching until he quits. The truth is, the new employee is the most important person in the store . It’s new ideas, it’s new culture, and it helps the atmosphere
The practice of those with power or influence or favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs . When it comes to nepotism , if one individual gets upset about something, it feeds the other. If one of the members holds a position of power, it directly impacts the culture of team and the moral of the entire organization.
Is the inability to differentiate between self and others. More pacifically, it is the inability to accurately assume or understand any perspective other than ones own It’s the belief that everyone is here to see you, and no one even knows who you are.
These are the three segments, with your sales team. Your Olympic team, and the people that are going to get you where you need to be !
AND ARE UNDER SERVED… with so many type a personalities in the sales business is it possible this can be repaired . Life is BINARY! You are either a leader or a boss. The choice is yours
Now I’m your Honda pro now you’re in the know.