When people spend a lot of time with their colleagues, this can lead to strong friendships, and sometimes romantic relationships. There is still a stigma about dating someone at your office.
Well I would certainly hope we wouldn’t date, but you know there’s a strong relationship. Whether we like it or not! Work relationships are a funny thing. If you have a regular 9-to-5 job, you’re likely to spend more hours of the day with your colleagues than you do with other friends, flatmates, or even your spouse. When you tally up the time, it takes about 200 hours to become best friends with somebody. It’s no surprise that many people form a close bond with their workmates. About 17% of people also have a “work spouse”. Meet Justin (my Sales Manager).
Justin and I spend about 50 to 60 hours a week together, surprisingly enough you know each other pretty well after that. Most adults spend a minimum of 1680 hours per year at the office. In the car business it’s about 3400 hours. It is likely to spend more time with coworkers than almost anyone else, here are some tips to get along:
1. Like any relationship give each other space
2. Show respect at all times
3. Support each other in all lives ventures
4. Be there when they need someone to listen to
5. It’s always important to protect the quarterback
6. Listen more than you speak !
These are just a few of some amazing tips on getting along with coworkers, remember it’s a good chance they know more about you than anyone else.